Saturday, May 10, 2008

5th monthsarry ♥

we met at mmc like 10-ish in the morning. he accompanied me because i have to go to school for uniform fitting and id picture. after that, the bus took us to glorietta then played basketball at timezone.

first he bought our movie tickets at g4 then went to food choices to eat, reyes bbq, it's our favorite! totally delicious food, we ate boneless chicken bbq, as always. heaven in every spoonful, i swear. we ordered two extra rice and four more bbq sauce. we both enjoy eating, the only difference is that he wants to be fat and i dont.

we watched "When Love Begins" after we ate our lunch. watching love stories with the hands of my loved one wrapped around me is considered one of the best moments in my life. we dont know why we decided to watch that movie, i think we just want to feel again the butterflies and chills like when we first met. i know im getting corny but that's really it!

after the movie, we just walked around and settled at powerbooks. we found a book of facts and we find it so funny. anyway, we bought our usual merienda which are grande zagu and potato corner fries. he sent me home safely. i really experience so much fun when im with him. again, happy monthsarry to us!

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